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Serving Our Lord
In big ways and small.

Beautiful Differences

And new beginnings

While I am not found of change, some changes are happening.


The biggest change is that I am leaving social media. I find it no longer meets my needs. 


I have finished my posts on 1 Peter in my blog. I will be moving on to 2 Peter, but I will be doing so on Substack.

I will have a new way of subscribing for now. It will allow you options of what you want to receive from me in your email. Options include: personal email, Matt and Sam jokes (once a week), notifications of blog posts, important announcements such as book releases, and my monthly newsletter.

Follow this link to get to the form to subscribe.

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Matt and Sam Celebrate Christmas

Come join Matt and Sam on a Christmas journey.

Get your copy today!


Wondering Where to Start? Yeah. I probably would be too. What were you searching for?

A picture book? Click on Matt and Sam.

Autism resources? Click on them or search the blog.

Bible study? Check out my blog.

My blog is a little bit of everything: Bible study, stories, my thoughts on autism, autism resources, and maybe something I have forgotten.

Whatever reason you are here, please feel free to look around. You might find more than you were looking for.

Elizabeth Ann Harlan

Hello. My name is Elizabeth Harlan.

This website is about my journey to serve God, in whatever way He wants me to serve Him.

God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and two beautiful girls, Josie and Cara.

God has led me down some interesting paths in my life including being a SAHM; homeschooling my oldest daughter; being mother to my younger daughter with autism; and discovering, at age 50, that I have autism and ADHD.

So, as my life goes this way and that, I find many different ways to serve God. I hope that you will find a place on this website that will support you in your relationship with God.

©2024 by Liz Harlan. Proudly created with

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